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M.L.D.C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION – Amendments in the constitution (2023)

M.L.D.C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION – Amendments in the constitution (2023)


Clause No.

Existing Clause

Amended Clause






Necessitated as this is the name of the Association in all records.


1 (b)

“The Association” or

“This Association“ means “The M.L.Dahanukar College Of Commerce Alumni Association“

“The Association” or

“This Association“means “M.L.D.C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION“

Necessitated as this is the name of the Association in all records.



“Trustee” shall mean the Chairperson and/or the Secretary   of the association and/ or the Principal of the college.

“Trustee” shall mean the Chairperson and/or the Secretary   of the association and/or the Treasurer of the Association.

Administrative convenience



Subject only to the provisions of Clause 14 hereof, the elections for the Managing Committee shall take place after every 3 years in the General Body Meeting. Such election shall be by Secret Ballot.

Subject only to the provisions of Clause 14 hereof, the elections for the Managing Committee shall take place after every 5( five) years in the General Body Meeting. Such election shall be by Secret Ballot.

Administrative convenience



Every member shall register with Association his address of residence and notify any changes thereof to the secretary.

Every member shall register with Association his address of residence, email id and telephone or mobile number and notify any changes thereof to the secretary.

Administrative convenience



All notices / mails addressed and posted under Certificate of posting (or any similar facility from the Postal authorities) to the registered address of the member shall be deemed to have been duly served.

All notices / mails sent on the registered email id or addressed and posted under Certificate of posting (or any similar facility from the Postal authorities) or through any courier service to the registered address of the member shall be deemed to have been duly served.

Administrative convenience.



Life Members:- Every applicant for the category of Life Member who is an ex-student of the College, has attained the age of eighteen years on the date of his application for membership and has donated to the Association an aggregate sum of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) shall be admitted as a Life Member.

Life Members:- Every applicant for the category of Life Member who is an ex-student of the College, has attained the age of eighteen years on the date of his application for membership and has donated to the Association an aggregate sum of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) shall be admitted as a Life Member upon his application being approved by the Managing Committee.

For better fund management



Board of Trustees:- Thepersons for the time being acting as the Chairperson of the Association, Secretary of the Association and the Principal of the College shall, ex-officio, be the Trustees of the Association.

Board of Trustees:- Thepersons for the time being acting as the Chairperson of the Association , Secretary of the Association and the Treasurer of the Association shall, ex-officio, be the Trustees of the Association.

Amendment consequential to amendment in clause 1(n)



The Managing Committee shall be constituted by total fifteen members eight of whom shall be elected only from amongst the Fellow Members of the Association while remaining seven shall be elected from amongst all the members of the Association. If sufficient number of members are not available out of Fellow members at any election, deficiency in this behalf can be filled out of all the members of the Association. The said provision however shall not apply to the first Managing Committee where all signatories to these rules and regulations shall be the members.

The Managing Committee shall be constituted by total eleven (11) members four (4) of whom shall be elected only from amongst the Fellow Members of the Association while remaining seven (7) shall be elected from amongst all the members of the Association. If sufficient number of members are not available out of Fellow members at any election, deficiency in this behalf can be filled out of all the members of the Association. The said provision however shall not apply to the first Managing Committee where all signatories to these rules and regulations shall be the members.

Administrative convenience



In ordinary course, tenure of the Managing Committee shall be a period of three years.

In ordinary course, tenure of the Managing Committee shall be a period of five (5) years.

Amendment consequential to amendment in clause 4.



Quorum of the meetings of the Managing Committee shall be 2/3rd members present in person.

Quorum of the meetings of the Managing Committee shall be six(6) members present in person.

Administrative convenience



Maintenance of Bank Account :-The Managing Committee shall keep deposited in any account to be opened by the Managing Committee with any Bank/s and/or Financial institution/s as may be permissible under the relevant laws for the time being in force all or any moneys or funds forming part of the Association funds which are not immediately to be spent, utilized and/or disposed off as is herein provided. Such account/s shall be kept in the name of theAssociation. Such account/s shall be operated by three signatories, one of the signatories being the Principal for the time being of the college and two signatories being any two of the office-bearers of the Association as may from time to time be authorized by the Managing Committee in this behalf.

Maintenance of Bank Account :-The Managing Committee shall keep deposited in any account to be opened by the Managing Committee with any Bank/s and/or Financial institution/s as may be permissible under the relevant laws for the time being in force all or any moneys or funds forming part of the Association funds which are not immediately to be spent, utilized and/or disposed off as is herein provided. Such account/s shall be kept in the name of the Association. Such account/s shall be operated by any two of the office bearers namely (a) the Chairperson (b) the Secretary and (c) the Treasurer of the Association.

Administrative convenience